Made to Move.





Legacy Lineage Liberation Urban Bush Women

Flight Distance II Helen Simoneau Danse

Freedom of Information Act III Janet Lilly, Duane Cyrus

Love the Root of Resistance Clarice Young

Willing Wanting Waning Maurice Watson

Come To the Well Shaylin Watson


Urban Bush Women Apprenticeship, Brooklyn, NY, January 2022 to October 2022. Was invited and worked closely with the company under the direction of Samantha “Mame Diarra” Spies and Chanon Judson.

Camille A. Brown Dancers Mentorship Program, Fall 2020, selected under the direction of Camille A. Brown, mentored by Timothy Edwards.

University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, Bachelor of Fine Arts May 2020, concentration in Performance and Choreography

Made to Move.